computing at BIRD’S BUSH


At Bird’s Bush Primary school, we believe computing is a vital part of modern-day life and therefore we aim to equip our children with the knowledge and skills they will need in order to access the rapidly changing technological world.

Our intent is that, by the time they leave our school, students have acquired the knowledge, skills and understanding of the use of digital technology in order to use it safely, effectively and imaginatively. We do this through the implementation of the Purple Mash curriculum for computing.

The scheme of work is aligned to the National Curricula for Computing, Technology and Digital Competence. It is intended to facilitate achieving the very best outcomes for our children. It exposes children to a wide variety of digital tools, technological skills, and innovations and contains everything that is needed to deliver inspiring and engaging lessons. We have included additional units that go beyond the expectations of National Curricula and the scheme for Early Years (Reception) shows opportunities for using Mini Mash or Purple Mash as part of the Early Years classroom to support children in working towards early learning goals.

Click here for our computing overview.


Year 2

Computing is a place where we learn about how to do writing and emails on a computer.

Year 4

We learn about coding and it is important because we need to make things for computers.

Year 5

If you do things like coding, we can learn to be better on the computer and we may need to use a computer in our jobs.