In Early Years, we endeavour to ensure that ‘Children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe’ as stated in the Statutory Framework for EYFS.  We aim to support children in their learning to ensure their ‘school readiness’ and provide them with opportunities to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills that ensure a secure foundation for good progress through school and in life.

We recognise that each child is unique and this is reflected in the opportunities that we provide to build their confidence and resilience to become self-assured, independent learners.

Children bring with them a diverse range of experiences and so learn and develop in a variety of ways and at different rates.  Therefore, staff across our early years strive to provide stimulating and engaging learning opportunities, which consider their interests and meet all their needs.

Our early years curriculum provides a broad range of interesting, challenging experiences allowing our children to make progress towards the Early Learning Goals and meet their full potential.  This is reflected in our enabling environment, where staff use their continuous assessments of the children to tailor a learning environment that is highly stimulating to provide a rich variety of imaginative experiences.

We have a successful track record of building positive, caring and working relationships with parents.  We understand and value the contribution and role that the parents play in their children’s development.  We do this through induction meetings for new children starting within our setting, open door policy where parents can talk to the Early Years staff with any questions they may have and inviting parents in for stay and play or workshops.  We also invite parents to transition sessions to support the children in progressing the next stage of their education.

We value the impact of effective transition for all our children.  We aim to ensure all of our children feel safe, secure and happy as they transition into their next stage of education. We do this through effectively planned transition processes that provide opportunity for our children to explore their new environment and build positive relationships with the key members of staff.